Ten Commandments
Lesson 1
The faith that saves trusts in Christ alone. The faith that damns trusts in self. (Lutheran Catechesis, p. 29)
Luke 16:19-31
First-Third Commandments
Video forthcoming
Additional resources for Lesson 1
What about the Ten Commandments?
Lesson 2
All our righteousness is filth. The righteousness of Christ alone saves us from our sin. (Lutheran Catechesis, p. 29)
Matthew 5:17-48
Fourth-Eighth Commandments
Video forthcoming
Additional resources for Lesson 2
What about living together without marriage?
Lesson 3
Faith in Christ is impossible for sinners. God alone works repentance and faith. (Lutheran Catechesis, p. 29)
Mark 10:17-31
Ninth-Tenth Commandments; Close of the Commandments
Ten Commandments Discussion
Discussion guide from Concordia Catechetical Academy
Parents, please scroll down to p. 53 of the file linked above for the discussion guides. Answer keys are provided at the end of the discussion guide sections.